When You’re Too Tired to Pursue


YCM [Young Christian Mom],

When you’re too tired to pursue, you can still press in.

The days are long with little ones. Rarely do the minutes provide fully energized, distraction free moments for communion with Jesus.

Early risers interrupt early mornings. 

Non-nappers consume midday breaks.

Bedtime for one becomes bedtime for all. 

Exhaustion is real, but don’t believe the lie that Jesus wants eloquent, exemplary devotion. 

He wants whats real and raw. He wants relationship.

As a young mother I’ve learned that my best is often filled with heavy eyes and sleepy sighs. 

My prayer life no longer lives strictly within a set apart time, but is shared with wonderful little interruptions and one liner heavenly interactions. 

Praying without ceasing has become much more of a reality. 

Set apart the time, but don’t be distraught if you’re not on “fire,” because you’re tired—just give it all you’ve got. 

What you’ve got is your devotion. What you’ve got is your emotion, mental focus, and time that actually costs you something. 

What you’ve got is exactly what He wants.

It may not feel like much or look put together for anyone else, but it’s what He enjoys. 

And, it’s what you really need.

So, even when you’re too tired to pursue, you can still press in. 


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